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Posts filed under: Articles

Controlling Algae Growth in Commercial Reservoirs: The Sustainable Efficacy of Barley Straw

In the United Kingdom, managing algal blooms in commercial reservoirs is a critical environmental issue. Algae, while a natural part of aquatic ecosystems, can become problematic when they grow excessively due to conditions like stagnant water, high temperatures, and an... Read More

Cleaning and Maintaining Domestic Septic Tanks: An Essential Guide

In the UK, the average person uses about 142 litres of water per day, according to Water UK. While this may not seem extensive, the cumulative effect on septic systems, particularly in how water flows into tanks over short periods,... Read More

Understanding and Solving Blocked Drains: A Comprehensive Guide

Blocked drains, sewers, and pipework are not just inconvenient but also pose significant risks to property and the environment. As a drainage specialist at William Gilder Group, I’ll guide you through identifying signs of blockages, understanding common causes, and effective... Read More

Septic Tank Regulations: Navigating Compliance for Upgrades and Maintenance

Septic tanks play a crucial role in managing wastewater for properties that are not connected to the mains sewage system. Understanding and adhering to the regulations surrounding septic tanks is essential to protect both environmental health and public safety. Recent... Read More

Efficient and Eco-Friendly Septic Tank Services for Hard-to-Reach Properties

At William Gilder Group, we understand the complexities and environmental responsibilities that come with maintaining septic systems, especially in properties that are hard to access. Our mission is to provide reliable, minimally invasive, and eco-friendly septic tank services that cater... Read More

When Should You Get Your Septic Tank Emptied?

Septic tanks are essential components of waste management systems in rural homes, acting as large containers for sewage. Proper maintenance of septic tanks is crucial to avoid unpleasant odors, pipe blockages, and environmental damage. Understanding when to empty your septic... Read More

Efficient and Reliable Domestic Septic Tank Clearing Services

At William Gilder Environmental, we understand the importance of maintaining your domestic septic tank to ensure efficient waste management and environmental protection. Septic tanks play a crucial role in treating household wastewater, but regular maintenance, including tank emptying, is essential... Read More

Harnessing the Power of Digestate: Enhancing Soil Health with Anaerobic Digestion By-Products

As the world turns towards sustainable practices, the role of anaerobic digestion (AD) in waste management has become increasingly prominent. At William Gilder Environmental, we’re proud to champion the utilisation of digestate, the valuable by-product of AD processes, as a... Read More

Precision and Compliance: Stoneridge Approved Tachograph Calibration Centre at William Gilder

Ensuring the accuracy and compliance of tachograph systems is essential for commercial vehicle operators. At William Gilder, we are proud to announce our Stoneridge approved tachograph calibration centre, equipped to handle both digital and analogue tachographs with precision and expertise.... Read More

Fueling Your Journey: William Gilder’s Keyfuels Bunkering Site

At William Gilder Group, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for truck drivers on the road. As part of our commitment to facilitating smooth and efficient journeys, we are proud to announce our partnership with Keyfuels, the UK’s first commercial... Read More